The Principal I Remember Fondly

This is from lyl

When I was in elementary school I had an awesome principal we called The Zip. It was pretty clear to all of us that the Zip cared — about her teachers and about her students. She didn’t just talk, acting concerned, but going home at the end of the day and forgetting about us all. She took care of everyone.

In 5th grade, we had a terrible teacher. She was inexperienced and didn’t know what to do. Instead of letting her flounder through the rest of the year, or firing her, the Zip took her in hand, had the teacher observe while she taught for a week, and then helped her through the rest of the year.

When my mother was in the hospital, the Zip was the one who organized a Meal Train for her, and also took me to get my braces, since my mother couldn’t do it.

Yeah, the Zip was awesome.

The Principal I Remember Fondly

One thought on “The Principal I Remember Fondly

  1. Esther Bernstein says:

    This is a great story. If there were a mentoring system in place for all new teachers, it wouldn’t be necessary to catch the ones who are “floundering.”


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